Friday, January 18, 2013

Scientists are open minded people and other myths.

Scientists don’t really have to be opened minded. This is a myth. I am sure that the average scientist is as close minded as the average non-scientist.  It is a myth perpetuated by many groups of atheists to suggest that this is the difference between science and religion. The implication is that religion is by its very nature a close minded operation and science is an open minded operation.  

What is religion? Religion is connecting to the universe and finding meaning in that connection. There is a tendency to become more and more disconnected from nature and the universe the more advanced we become. The invention of language has created a wedge between us and nature. We are not about to give up our advances. I am not suggesting that we do that. Religion is a way humans have tried to keep themselves grounded.  Other living things do not have this problem. They do not need religion.

Our perception of the universe changes as we make advances. We become disconnected from nature and from the truth. The process of reconnecting to nature and truth is what I mean when I speak of religion.  Religion is not really about believing in a god or gods. This is also a myth perpetuated by atheists groups.

All atheists are religious just like the non-atheists.  However, atheism is not a religion. We all naturally seek to connect to nature and the universe and to maintain that connection throughout our lives. Being eternal means being connected to nature and the universe. The truth is that we are all connected to the universe. It is the one undeniable thing we all have in common with everything.

There are many people who have a very narrow idea of what is religion or eternity or faith. I listen to the endless silly debates by people who are speaking from misinformation and sheer ignorance.  There is so much misrepresentation and downright dishonesty in those debates. People are more interested in debates and winning that they do not care how they twist and distort the facts.

Being religious is not something anyone should be ashamed of or hide. I see so much meanness and nastiness in these debates and arguments. I for one do not participate in these things because I think it only contributes to something I find distasteful and demeaning to good intellectual discussion.

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